Pan Braindead Pan - The Straight Dope Across the MachineScape

Thoughts, poems and prose from the builders of an artful machine.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Marauding comment - Re: Artist presents third ear... Concordia University

“Resulting” interconnectivity.

A funny thing happened to me on my way to ordering books on-line for one of my daughter's. As I searched for her books on Vox Voice and Acting Methods on Concordia’s Website,
I stumbled onto this blurb about a visiting artist named Stelarc. My first impression was “holy shit is that an ear on his arm!” and after further Googlerches and youerches and otherches, it quickly occurred to me that he was (is) in some way acting “McLuhan” – or in part enacting the philosophers’ theories on medium,
expression and extension.
Neet, I thought.  Now that is dedicated philosophic actualization. That is Art_ifice. The clip below is one of his more poignant actions (keeping in mind that mortification using hooks is a traditional expression of devotion in some cultural settings such as in the some Hindu religious festivals) however the "Ear Arm" and projected voice project, is for a lack of a better term freak-E=MC2 Artistry.
This is humanity at its dissociative best. That is, its "gift" to remove itself from nature and create aspects of its existence as an exegesis about itself, its temple, its nature – if not a criticism of nature as a whole considering our navel gazing tendencies.
© Tomas Benedikovic/Getty
This and other performances and manifestations of Stelarc’s body of work (if you will pardon the blatantly unfortunate pun*) is a more benign expression of our tendency to expand ourselves into the universe.
More malevolent expressions could simply be our knack to “create” destruction without even a thought. For instance the recent toxic spill in Hungary was as esthetically striking as it was morose and deadly, or even to make a nastier yet important aside, our emminently dangerous Canadian© "slick black and visible from the sky tar-sands open reservoirs" version. The later being a direct consequence of our need to express ourselves further and outwardly, mechanically.
Please de not interpret by my meandering thoughts that I draw a parallel between Stelarc’s work and environmental degradation.  In fact it is more matter of comparing and contrasting positive expressions of human expression through its exegesis vs. the total and utter lack of critical reflection. Stelarc’s expresses and questions through his work. It makes you ponder creation and destruction and while it affecting only the person expressing the through.  You empathize the thought and the philosophy
that is expressed.
* Please note that I make no excuses for my puns are for fun.

Artist presents third ear - NOW - Concordia University

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