Pan Braindead Pan - The Straight Dope Across the MachineScape

Thoughts, poems and prose from the builders of an artful machine.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Art<-> Masochisme quel est la différence?

Réponse d'un commnentaire sur facebook.

Tu connais bien les exploits de Picasso, et Duchamp et « Van Gogh », pour ne pas dire Michelangelo.Comme eux Stelarc fait un choix personnel ! ? ;)

Mais, sérieusement, il est certain que Selarc recherche à choqué sont auditoire. Je dirais même que je suis d'accord avec toi. C'est une expression, mais est-ce une expression « Artistique? » ou est-ce un rapprochement... que j’ai toujours cru être un peut… si je peux me permettre « étiré »?.>

Or il y a une certaine esthétique dans ces tableaux, comme et autres voir le Site de l'artiste Stelarc.

Il faut ce questionné "et si cette œuvre avait été une toile, n’aurions-nous pas trouvé des parallèles avec Dali ou Magritte?"

Mais je crois que c’est important de noter que Stelarc (masochiste comme il est) n’est pas le premier a s’hameçonné pour une expression (artistique),
voir le festival Thaipusham : 

or s’en est un qui a été reconnu par MIT.

Alors le constat me dit seulement que ces ouvres sont plutôt une expression technologique ce qui est de plus en plus courant de nos jour. Qu’il a débuté sa carrière durant les années 60 est encore plus importante car ceci fait de lui un avanguardiste de l'art et la techologie.

D’ailleurs c’est pourquoi j’ai élargi ma thèse sur mon Blogue.

Pour l’instant je te laisse avec une nouvelle pensée.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Marauding comment - Re: Artist presents third ear... Concordia University

“Resulting” interconnectivity.

A funny thing happened to me on my way to ordering books on-line for one of my daughter's. As I searched for her books on Vox Voice and Acting Methods on Concordia’s Website,
I stumbled onto this blurb about a visiting artist named Stelarc. My first impression was “holy shit is that an ear on his arm!” and after further Googlerches and youerches and otherches, it quickly occurred to me that he was (is) in some way acting “McLuhan” – or in part enacting the philosophers’ theories on medium,
expression and extension.
Neet, I thought.  Now that is dedicated philosophic actualization. That is Art_ifice. The clip below is one of his more poignant actions (keeping in mind that mortification using hooks is a traditional expression of devotion in some cultural settings such as in the some Hindu religious festivals) however the "Ear Arm" and projected voice project, is for a lack of a better term freak-E=MC2 Artistry.
This is humanity at its dissociative best. That is, its "gift" to remove itself from nature and create aspects of its existence as an exegesis about itself, its temple, its nature – if not a criticism of nature as a whole considering our navel gazing tendencies.
© Tomas Benedikovic/Getty
This and other performances and manifestations of Stelarc’s body of work (if you will pardon the blatantly unfortunate pun*) is a more benign expression of our tendency to expand ourselves into the universe.
More malevolent expressions could simply be our knack to “create” destruction without even a thought. For instance the recent toxic spill in Hungary was as esthetically striking as it was morose and deadly, or even to make a nastier yet important aside, our emminently dangerous Canadian© "slick black and visible from the sky tar-sands open reservoirs" version. The later being a direct consequence of our need to express ourselves further and outwardly, mechanically.
Please de not interpret by my meandering thoughts that I draw a parallel between Stelarc’s work and environmental degradation.  In fact it is more matter of comparing and contrasting positive expressions of human expression through its exegesis vs. the total and utter lack of critical reflection. Stelarc’s expresses and questions through his work. It makes you ponder creation and destruction and while it affecting only the person expressing the through.  You empathize the thought and the philosophy
that is expressed.
* Please note that I make no excuses for my puns are for fun.

Artist presents third ear - NOW - Concordia University

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The roar of wild milk

A pearl of Social Marketing


This pearl of social networking consumer wisdom was created for the milk producers of Canada... I suppose. It takes full advantage of the fun potentials of the ever growing WEb medium to promote (or herd as it were) the hearts and minds of the internaut.

In my opinion it's clever and fun. But more importantly an excellent showcase for the site developer Twist Image... now this is the real reason why I'm posting this here comment. It's because of the Twist Images method of creating transparency between themselves and their client's medium that makes them great heralds of the WEB 2-3.0 revolution and why the revolution can be so revolutionizing.

I discovered this advert indirectly during my search for employment. Twist Images' site... Which I encourage you to visit, is like the sites of the bygone age of Frames. This is like frames 3.0 (if we remember iframes came next)... Or is it outside the frame 1.0. It is less inveasive,promotes what you do while giving full credit to your client... which in turn brings them extra coodos.

Bravo.... hope I get hired be them. ;) --- shameless social network switch-plug.

P.S. - Although I think some better clipping could have been done within the viewfinder circle.

My apolagies to Twist Image. I had to take out my custom "Roar of milk" for like its lauded product it expired. That is, what was left of the example curdled my spirits as it made me jump once too many times during blog page edits. But therein lies the irony: When the medium makes you flinch, time to change the link.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Rise of FaceGooleSoft

Expansion from a Facebook Comment.

Well I've just revised all my privacy settings. To my satisfaction I found that they were already set to the level I saw fit was appropriate for a Facebook account. That is, one that reflects my personality type which would be something close to liberal.

Social networking is the closest thing to airing out your gaunchies (underclothing) in public next to the clothes line. It reveals much more than what you expect everyone should know about you and it can reveal much less about people you don't know than what you thought you knew. It is also as shocking to you or to others to see stains on underwear hanging in plain view, whether they be yours or theirs.

Some people use the dryer for that precise reason, some hang only certain pieces of clothing. That being said laying out lingerie for your "special friend" across the street will probably attract more attention to yourself than you want. All things being equal it's just a matter of taste.

This parable helps me to point out that privacy is a very problematic issue simply because when you allow yourself to relinquish parts of your privacy to a chosen public arena your bound to get in trouble sometime. Social networks are by definition a PUBLIC arena, like a Grecian Agora of old where everyone (well almost) can contribute to an ongoing dialogue, expound their virtues, expose their stainless togas, share ideas about their favourite bard, their favourite fish monger, their favourite dinning hall, and even sell their wares and all freely... but all for a price.

I mean honestly when's the last time you thought that a secret remained a secret once you had told someone other than your pet hamster.

The irony is not that there is a price. No, we expect to pay a price. The irony is that we readily sell our privacy to belong. We pay with privacy to be free to express ourselves amongst ourselves. It is fair to say that these social community tools are playing havoc with our instincts.  Those closely tied to self preservation and control. These rabid yet protective instincts raise questions such as: To share or not to share? In how many W's 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (who, what, where, when and why) should I share? Is there a big brother watching? Is big brother smaller than we think? Who is (are) this (there) little big brother(s) anyway? Is it called Face_Google_Soft or is it Aunt Moreen from Eves-drop city, some-Province_or_State, Can-USA-Desh?

Face-Google-Soft et. al. this blog network...which are part of that virtual yet organic fungi that some technolocrats coined the Web 2.0. (wikipedia reference needed here and my apologies for calling you a technolocrate) is (are) the basis of the new information-sharing age (yes hyphenated) dream. Although technically it starts even closer to home, right in our minds.

Like their predecessors (such as the "Soft" in Face-Google-Soft) the issue of "Privacy" has been first and foremost on the developers and technolocrats minds, right next to revenue, customer loyalty and brand revenue (all words for survival). But in the end the principal question that has plagued them all is where to draw the line of freedom? Since privacy is in a sense the antithesis to free. Privacy is ownership. Previous to the Softs came many others who philosophised throughout the history of humanity about this question and here/now like in many other ages do we meditate about the basic of notions of Freedom and again the 5w's of the matter.  Although 3W's may actually be an appropirate analogy, or the state of affaires in the here now.
For as the pundits say Web 2.0. is the democratisation of information yet like real democracy it is flawed and often falls far below it’s laudable goal. Take the word "free" for instance - that is relative - therefore it is fair to assume that some W's are left out of the loop.  The who's, some where's and likely some who form the when's.

On the upside because this communications ecosystem is based on a faulty yet somewhat democratic variety of fungi, it is growing exponentially in cyberspace in very diverse forms, the notions and philosophies of freedom are being tested as it grows. They are being practiced rather than spoken and abstracted, and there are many barriers that are falling.

It is true that Face-Goole-Soft is invading each of our privacies and that is the nature of its framework. It is based on the free exchange of information, which is being offered "virtually" for free, and through our individual choice to be part of the networks(s) we want to invent. In essence we enter into the freedom of invading each others privacy. A voyeuristic-exhibitionist-free-for-all. We have decided to air out our laundry and we run the constant risk of learning more about ourselves than we once intended to reveal.

freedom (gregariousness), individual, creation, flow > ≠ <  restraint (privacy), community, harness, framework


This outpouring of blogthough is in progress… I'm still working out notions and I suppose I'll have to be doing a bit more readings to continue.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Elements of Multiplicity

Here is a capture of an untitled work executed in 2008. It is part of a project that I began during my final year at Concordia University in 1995-96. I had called it “peripheral vision art”, and later renamed it the “Nature of Multiplicity.” It is a work which I thought I would have completed by now but it seems to still linger on; mostly in pieces within dusty shoe boxes and plastic bins amongst the tubes of hardening paint.
The capture represents about 250 small works, a fragment of the completed project which is meant to be exposed on a 45 X 8 feet galvanized steel wall. You can preview a model at thanks to the dedicated work of my father Guy Chevalier, programming wizard extraordinaire, but only a quarter of the works needed to completed the first phase of the project are there. It remains unfinished while I plod on.
It seems that when I began this project in earnest in 1996 I completely misjudged my capacity to overcome life's challenges. I figured a couple of years hiatus from completing my degree at University would allow me some time to build up professional skills, give me more space to grow as an artist and by getting a “real” job, give me the means to pay some heavy bills associated with dedicating oneself to a calling.
Consequently I’ve never been capable of dedicating myself to the calling, completely. I refused to accept the romanticized label of “starving artist” or “rascal bohemian.” I chose to have a “rich life” and so my artist’s credentials suffer. Now it seems I’m a starving professional with bills, responsibilities and “manageable” dept. What kind of dichotomy is this? What kind of cosmic train have I been riding? Why have I stalled so many times?
Well, seeing that the trip isn’t over I am far from conceding defeat but what a miserable time it is to reflect on these little failures. How big they can become at the right moment, the right time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hier c'était, le 6e anniversaire de notre belle Lula, « Canis lupus familiaris Lulalis». Quel bon et heureux anniversaire que ce fut!

Oui, nous célébrons chez nous l'anniversaire de notre chienne Lula, et je le fais moi avec plus de zèle que n’importe quel autre membre de notre famille, car c'est notamment le moment où j'ai la permission de me gaver d'un bon steak bien juteux apprêté par ma main pour moi et Lula dans notre propre cuisine. Un geste d’amour égoïste. Quoi?

Parbleu, dites-vous ? Qu'est-ce que c’est cet outrage ? Un homme ne peut-il rôtir son gibier dans sa propre maison? Quelle infamie!

Mais avant de vous mettre en outrage pour ce timide auteur chevreux, il faut que je vous dise que c’est un choix personnel. Il n’y a aucune loi conjugale qui me prévient de me préparer régulièrement un met de chair. Plutôt, c’est une auto prohibition qui me donne la satisfaction d’être amoureux et galant ainsi que d’être fier et libre de choix. C'est-à-dire je me libère d’une dépendance de chair sachant de plus en plus la remplacer par une autre. J’évolue par le défi de consommer plus comme il est de ma nature humaine, dite omnivore, et non pas carnivore comme le dicte un faux conte humaniste. Soit plus comme ours, moins comme chat.

Conséquemment, je démontre mon amour pour autrui en restant quelque peu chauvin. Je freine ma consommation de viande et je respecte plus les contributeurs. Davantage, chez nous, je suis le seul a être près du carnassier alors je soutiens le choix de mon épouse qui vie une philosophie différente de la mienne et qui peut vivre presque tout les jours sans être assailli par l’ambivalence, l’ignorance ou l’arrogance de l’omnivore carnassier, car il est toujours aussi rare d’être omnivores sans chair que d’être végétarien sans salades chez la plupart de nos restaurateurs et même chez nos plus proches connaissances.

Alors, c’est un geste aussi égoïste que charitable. N’est-ce pas d’être bien balancé?

Oui, un geste d'amour pour ma douce et ses doucinets, car les enfants de ma conjointe, piteux comme ils le sont, ignorent le goût de la chair d’autrui. Même pas la chair d’une truite, et ce, depuis leur naissance. Les pauvres trouvent la senteur d’un braisier tout aussi dégoûtant que l’idée de manger des entrailles des bêtes chez certains qui s’avouent tout d’abord et exclusivement carnassiers. Je dois remarquer d’ailleurs que ces derniers, hypocrites comme tout sont prodigieusement dédaigneux quand on y pense bien. Ce qui m’amène à admettre un autre égoïsme de ma part. Je ne mange que quelque fois de la viande sous les yeux déteints de nos enfants, car j’ai l’horreur d’entendre les plaintes d’avocats du gibier pendant que je mange mon souper autant que j’aime entendre mon gibier hurler pendent mon diner. Ce qui transforme un goûter à dégoûté si vous me comprenez bien… Alors, vaux mieux céder que d’être ours mal léché.

Indéniablement, je serais omnivore pour le restant de ma vie accompagné de notre chienne la Lula qui comme moi dégustera seulement à l’occasion et à l’extérieur de notre foyer les délicatesses charnelles de la chair. Piteux Loup qui est là! Loup qui ne mange que de la moulée et par quelques occasions les restants d’un bol ou un plat. Restant qui viande n’est pas! Ce dernier point est le seul malheureux défaut de cette prohibition provenant de mon fidèle amour pour ma famille. C’est pour cela que tous les 24 février nous célébrons l’anniversaire du Loup là un complément à la règle nous permettant tous avoir justesse et amour. Un amour qui élève notre conscience pour toutes les créatures sur la terre. Tout aimé. Tous de sa manière.
Je puis donc dire que je suis alimenté deux fois plus sainement que d’autres, car ces moments de frivolités isolés sont d’autant plus appréciés par le goût que par la conscience. Pas avec autant de conscience que celle de ma belle épouse qui depuis 27 ans s’est libérée des besoins de la chair quelle soit rouge, brune ou blanche, mais probablement plus que notre toutou « Canis lupus familiaris », qui mangerait toutes les oies de la pointe Saint Charles si elle avait le choix. Manifestement ce n’est pas le cas, car Lula ne l’a pas et de plus il n’y a pas d’oies.

Mais s’il n’y a pas d’oies qui sont timbalées dans les rues de notre bourg il y a des vestiges osseux de leurs cousins éparpillés partout sur nos trottoirs qui témoignent la barbarie de la surconsommation omnivore carnassière, qui sont souvent livrés ici par le fameux « Nouveau Système » du B-B-Q.

Mais je déparle.

Il vous surprendra surement de savoir que le sujet de l’anniversaire de Lula n’est qu’ici que pour introduire ma prochaine méditation.

Si nous sommes ce que l’on mange, que sommes-nous aujourd’hui à l’aube du nouveau millénaire ?
C’est une veille idée, mais comme nos aliments deviennent de l’excrément au deuxième tournant alors verdures au printemps.

Continuation: “I eat totems for lunch.”


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The invitation


Following the lead of Mr. Scott "Ranboro Man" Murray, my brother "The gay horse feeder", Nicolas "Geyser" Fontaine I've decided to maintain a Blog.

I do this mostly because automated layout programs are putting us lesser web nerds out of work and so the least I can do is investigate advantage and caveats of this particular media while at the same time attempting to improve my communications skills, particularly my grammar and spelling. Of course I'm also dying to waste more of my time doing something else than what I'm supposed to do. 

At any rate please enjoy the content when you wish.

Please let me know what you think.

I leave you with this enchanting thought.

I find myself disgustingly trite and sometimes I tire of the burgher that hides beneath my skin.

Gustave Flaubert, Correspondance, vol. 16 Gallica.

Gross translation by Patrick Chevalier.



Suivant le cheminement de M. Scott « Ranboro Man » Murray, de mon frère Vincent « Nourrisseur de cheval gai » Chevalier et de Nicolas « Geyser » Fontaine j'ai décidé de maintenir un Blogue.

Le but est d’approfondir mes connaissances à propos du fonctionnement d’un blogue et honnêtement de ces temps-ci je me demande bien si je me trouverais un bouleau avec tous ces gugusses automates qui usurpent le rôle d’un petit webmestre comme moi au sein de la société informatisée.

Mais bon, pourquoi ne pas étudier l’ennemie et mettre ses connaissances en à ma portée. M'enfin, nous pourrions un jour être amis macGoogle et moi !?

D’autant plu qu’il y a une foule de raisons pour maintenir un blogue d’une part ça va sûrement m’inciter à mieux réfléchir et peut-être même mieux écrire.

Alors, amusez-vous bien à lire mes vers terreux et plate à votre aise.

Laissez-moi savoir ce que vous en pensez de temps à autre.

Je vous laisse avec cet espoir…

« Je me trouve d’une platitude écoeurante et je suis parfois bien ennuyé du bourgeois que j’ai sous la peau. »

Gustave Flaubert, Correspondance, vol. 16 Gallica.

Presume Bill Lee to be log

When writing ones thought in a journal there is no need to be thorough or judicious for presumably no others care about ones personal prose.  But to publicly post each page of ones diary on what amounts to be a church door means to invite the devil in ones home.

A coward knows this as much as a goat could know this if a goat really cared about a diary, a door, a public or a devil for that matter. I hear someone say, “He would certainly eat the paper of his diary well before his appetite for writing ever fasted”.  I mean the goat… and perhaps the coward.

So for the sake of argument a goat that could write a journal would likely post it, without compunction, to a door of a church knowing full well that he would be skinned and roasted as a sacred lamb by the good collars, swallows and hawks hiding behind the door, and all the while remaining ignorant to the dangers of inviting the devil within his own house. And this despite the manner or the matter of what it had written.

Would not the goat know better than most of the good folks within the holy box that it is predestined to be second to the primes. Isn’t such ignorance sinful bliss?

For the collars, swallows and hawks there is no better excuse that to call a goat a beast and execute it at once for being strange and illiterate. What, what. Tan its hide for paper to boot!

To conclude, it is better to be the goat than to be behind the door for at least one has written, been read and eaten for it too.

What a brave goat.

The awe sir.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pan Brain Dead Pan

You will find here a bleat-no-blog because, like many electronic pages of pulpy prose that you can find on this fairy organ we propose to call a net, its content will have absolutely no baring, relevance or impact upon your lives.

As such you will have done well to ignore it altogether.

However you may wish to find here vagaries and rhymes from an aged' goat who sits by the cathode fire frying up some fish in butter, setting his cheese to the block and tending to his scattered flock of thoughts while drinking a few drops of porto wine.

Cheepishly yours,

The awe sir,